Maradro Island teaches friendly lifestyles for kids and adults
More than a place, Maradro Island is a state of mind. One that offers shelter for the body, mind and soul, a place where peace and harmony prevail! It is open to all, but most accessible to children, animals, plants and adults concerned by the state of our world today.
Maradro Island is a 118-page full color e-book that teaches us about earth and how each of us can play a part so Mother Nature can feel healthy and alive! Through poems and illustrated characters, the author brings to life words of wisdom, beliefs to live by and fun lessons to learn from. Maradro Island was written from the heart, with love and compassion for all living things.
For kids and parents who want to learn more about nature, ecological systems and endangered species, Maradro Island is a magical journey of discovery into harmonious ways of living with all life on earth, teaching us about friendly lifestyles, peace and love.
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